Education Information

16 -30 of 38 results

In some situations children with disability may need different schooling schedules to other children. Read more

Preschool, also known as kindergarten, is a crucial time of early learning for children aged four to six. Read more

Sex education in schools isn’t a subject many students would choose as their favourite – it usually comes with... Read more

Education is vital to every child’s development, but for some children to learn everything they need to know they need... Read more

For some children with disability the best way for them to receive an education is through specialised classes, a... Read more

Child care is used by many families to allow parents to work or complete other tasks without constantly caring for the... Read more

Heatwaves can happen regularly in summer but they are still a threat to the health and safety of people who are... Read more

All families want their children to have the best schooling possible and for families of children with a disability,... Read more

With COVID-19 continuing to impact education for the start of the 2022 school year, even if your child has gone back to... Read more

Students with disability sometimes need support at school to assist them with their learning so they can get the most... Read more

People with disability who are studying in tertiary education settings, like university and TAFE, can sometimes get... Read more

Navigating romantic and sexual relationships has its difficulties, especially for a person living with disability. Read more

Students with disability sometimes need adjustments made to their learning environment so that they can learn on the... Read more

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobiological developmental disorder affecting around one in every 20... Read more

Caring for a loved one is rewarding, but an informal carer may find they lose out on “me” time. Read more