I have been approved for NDIS funding – what next?

You’ve submitted your Access Request Form and have been approved for funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). What happens now?
Key points:
- Once you have been approved for NDIS funding, a LAC, NDIS Planner or ECEI Coordinator will contact you to discuss the next steps.
- It can take the NDIA a number of weeks to approve your plan.
- You can request a review if you are unhappy with supports outlined in your plan.
This guide outlines the process from being approved for NDIS funding, to putting your first NDIS plan into action.
Step 1 - contact with a NDIS Partner
If you have been approved for NDIS funding, a Local Area Coordinator (LAC), National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Planner or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Coordinator will contact you to arrange a planning meeting.
Organisations that deliver LAC or ECEI services are sometimes referred to as NDIS Partners. Click here to see a list of NDIS Partners in your State or Territory.
Step 2 - planning meeting
A LAC, NDIA Planner or ECEI Coordinator will set up a planning meeting with you, which can be held over the phone, in their office, or a representative can come to your home.
During the planning meeting, they will look at your personal circumstances, what disability you have and the supports you need to live well and as independently as possible.
With your input they will set some goals for you to work towards with the help of the NDIS supports.
For more information, check out our guides on preparing for your planning meeting and what to bring to your planning meeting.
Step 3 - receiving your plan and finding supports
After your planning meeting, the LAC writes up your plan and sends it to the NDIA for approval. Once the NDIA has approved it, you will receive a copy of your plan.
It can take the NDIA a number of weeks to approve your plan, but usually, they get in touch with you anywhere between two to four weeks.
As soon as you have approval for your plan, you are ready to start finding providers to deliver the support services you need to work towards your individual goals.
By using the Disability Support Guide provider finder, you can search for providers by services, categories and location. You can search for therapists and specialists in your area, different aids and equipment and also connect with a range of advisors and support services.
Step 4 - what if I’m unhappy with my plan?
If you are unhappy with the support outlined in your plan, you can request a review by completing the request a review of decisions form on the NDIS website.
A review request must be made within three months of receiving notice of an NDIA decision and you should explain why you think the decision was incorrect.
Visit NDIS.gov.au or call the NDIA on 1800 800 110 to get help over the phone to complete the form.
Learn more about plan reviews and appeals here.
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