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Support for people living
with disability in Australia

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Popular Information Guides

What you need to know about the Disability Support Pension

The Disability Support Pension (DSP) is funded by the Australian Government to support people with disability who can’t work full time

Renting with a disability

If you're looking to move out of home and gain more independence, renting your own place or a room in a share house is a great way to increase your independence, meet new people and enjoy your own space.

Mental health and the NDIS

An estimated 600,000 Australians live with severe and persistent mental illness of which approximately 64,000 are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Registered vs. unregistered NDIS providers: What’s the difference?

Once you have received your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, and have decided how you would like to manage your plan, it’s time to choose which providers you’d like to deliver the services that will help you reach your goals.