Find Aids and Equipment
Aids and Equipment Services
Some aids and equipment that can support people living with disability may be funded through NDIS.
Aids and Equipment
Some common aids and equipment that can support people living with disability include:
• visual/hearing equipment - like hearing aids;
• mobility equipment - like walking frames;
• assistive equipment - like shower chairs, lifters, wheelchairs and bed barriers;
• aids for daily living - like modified eating utensils;
• prosthetics and orthotics - like artificial body parts or splints and braces; as well as sensory regulation and educational toys.
These supportive aids and equipment can be included in your NDIS plan and funded through the Scheme to either hire or buy.
• visual/hearing equipment - like hearing aids;
• mobility equipment - like walking frames;
• assistive equipment - like shower chairs, lifters, wheelchairs and bed barriers;
• aids for daily living - like modified eating utensils;
• prosthetics and orthotics - like artificial body parts or splints and braces; as well as sensory regulation and educational toys.
These supportive aids and equipment can be included in your NDIS plan and funded through the Scheme to either hire or buy.