Employment Information

16 -30 of 36 results

Having a workplace culture which is flexible can help all workers with their wellbeing and people with a disability have... Read more

Key points Planning to transition into further study after secondary school can help you to reach your career goal There... Read more

Having a job can grow your social circle, increase connection with your community, give you more financial independence,... Read more

People who provide unpaid daily care for someone with disability or a significant medical condition can often be under... Read more

Technology in the workplace is evolving to make businesses more efficient and to make jobs easier to do for everyone.... Read more

Volunteering is the act of giving up your time for free to help another person, organisation, group or cause. Read more

Volunteering roles are found everywhere in the community for such a wide range of causes that it’s impossible to make... Read more

It’s important to have a diverse workforce and that includes people with disability. A Disability Action Plan... Read more

Creating a more inclusive volunteer program that involves people from a range of backgrounds, including people with... Read more

The latest disability employment strategy for Australia, Employ My Ability, aims to create inclusive workplace cultures... Read more

Changes will soon be made to Australian Government employment services, including where job seekers access information... Read more

30 June marks the end of the financial year, which means tax returns will soon be due. Read more

Employment has many benefits for people with disability, such as providing the opportunity to develop skills, meet new... Read more

Most working-age (15–64) people with disabilities find engaging in the workforce to be difficult, and searching for... Read more