Therapists & Health Specialists
- Social workers
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Early intervention/Childhood support
- Art therapy
- Behavioural support
- Counselor
- Mental health
- Psychologists
- Psychosocial
- Telehealth
- Therapeutic supports
Community Services
Care Options
- Medication supervision
- Personal care
- Social/Recreational support
- Respite care
- Assistance with personal activities
- Community access & inclusion
- Day options
- Domestic assistance
- Food preparation at home
- Home maintenance/Gardening
- Meals/Shopping
- Support groups
- Workshops
- 24 hour emergency accommodation
- Housing
- Long term respite
- Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)
- Shared living
- Short Term Accommodation (STA) / Respite
- Supported independent living
- Tenancy
- Offers services for NDIS
- Private funding available
Advisors & Professional Services
Assessment and Planning Assistance
- Assessments
- Case coordination
- Case management
- Support coordination
Professional Services
- Developmental education
- Education support
- Independent living support