Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Support staff will be given the opportunity to experience high risk situations involving people with disability through... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Writers with disability will be supported in developing their work through a groundbreaking program. Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Sam Bartlett

A diet high in vegetables and fish may be associated with a lower risk of multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study by... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

An investment into the intensive support of children with autism was announced by the former Turnbull Government. Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Five Victorian not-for-profit disability service providers will aid the transition of the National Disability Insurance... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

New improvements to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for both participants and providers will begin to... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Two fresh Social Services Ministers have been announced and now sworn in by newly appointed Prime Minister, Scott... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Next week marks Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness and challenging perceptions of... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

Volunteering Services Australia (VSA) has been appointed to promote the International Day of People with Disabilities... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope

The Australian Government has announced another significant funding grant to help those living with disability receive... Read more