Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

Dylan Alcott OAM has been announced as the Australian of the Year for 2022 after spending hundreds of hours of work in... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The decision by National Cabinet to allow disability support workers to skip quarantine and work when they have been... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The Board of peak advocacy organisation People with Disability Australia (PWDA) says the “failure” of Australian... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

A shared statement has been released by social services unions, not for profit organisations and disability advocates... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The Religious Discrimination Bill has come under fire from advocacy groups and professional associations across... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

People with disability are going without basic assistance for days, sleeping in their wheelchairs and going to hospital... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The vaccination of children aged five to 11 to protect them against COVID-19 began yesterday with mixed stories from... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

There were some huge news events this year, making 2021 probably one of the busiest for people with disability and their... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The 2021 Social Impact Measurement Network of Australia Awards recognised Hireup as a leader in the categories of... Read more

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian

The staff at Talking Disability wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Read more