Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

What ’causes’ disability this week? Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

Over 4.4 million Australian’s live with disability and Mr River Night believes more needs to be done to support... Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

In the disability sector, the rate of full-time employment has ranged between 20 percent and 24 percent over the last... Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

Despite NSW having the largest economy of all States and Territories in Australia, with a diverse range of industries... Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

In 2023, the theme for National Week of Deaf People will be ‘A world where deaf people can sign anywhere. Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

Warning: this edition of Talking Disability may contain sensitive content Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

Ministers celebrated the independent living pilot amid the continued ramping crisis in SA Read more

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus

Is OCD just ‘fussiness’ or is there more to it? Read more