Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

A social enterprise selling sewing and crafting supplies while providing employment for people with disability has... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

Australian wheelchair users can now add a personal touch to their ‘wheels’ thanks to an Australian-first... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

Chair of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Ronald Sackville... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

OPINION – Unconscious biases towards people with disability are still negatively influencing the recruitment... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

A new educational video highlighting the work of occupational therapists has been released by National Disability... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Participants will have the opportunity to experience free independent... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

Researchers at the University of South Australia (UniSA) have developed a new virtual reality (VR) program to help... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

Disability advocates have welcomed the Federal Government’s plan to amend the Royal Commissions Act to better protect... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

The Victorian Government’s pledge to recruit and deploy 4,100 tutors across the State’s schools in 2021 must be... Read more

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson

A Monash University study has found that graphical information relating to the COVID-19 pandemic regularly presented in... Read more