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What is autism?

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Autism, also referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental condition affecting many people in Australia

Key points:

  • Recent estimates suggest that around one in 40 people in Australia have autism spectrum disorder, according to Autism Spectrum Australia
  • People with autism spectrum disorder may have difficulties with communication, socialisation, and sensory processing and have repetitive behaviours
  • The Australian Government recently announced the first National Autism Strategy on January 14, 2025, to better support people with ASD and their families

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) usually presents in childhood and the main challenges of a person living with ASD are around social interaction, communication, sensory processing difficulties and restricted interests and behaviours.

Approximately one in 40 people in Australia have ASD as per recent estimates from Aspect, also known as Autism Spectrum Australia.


Communication and social interaction

People living with ASD often have difficulties with communication and social interaction, including understanding jokes, sarcasm, irony and metaphors. Participating in conversations where they need to take turns to listen and respond to other people can be challenging too and they may find it hard to read non-verbal communication, such as body language, gestures and eye contact.

Some people with ASD find it challenging to develop and maintain relationships, whilst others may avoid social interaction. It is important to seek support in helping develop communication and social skills to enhance quality of life and feelings of inclusion.


Sensory processing

People living with ASD often experience the world around them in a different way. Difficulties interpreting their surroundings through vision, smell, taste, touch, hearing and challenges with balance and spatial awareness are key factors in diagnosing ASD. 

Young people with ASD can be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to sensory input, such as finding loud noises painful or not wanting to be touched.


Repetitive behaviour and interests

Other typical behaviours in a person living with ASD can include stereotyped or repetitive movements, holding on to routines, developing highly restricted interests and feeling upset if things change.

Other conditions associated with autism include speech and language difficulties, intellectual disability, sleep problems, attention difficulties, epilepsy, anxiety and depression and difficulties with motor skills.

Signs of autism often appear in early childhood with boys affected four times more than girls.

It is important to remember that not everyone who has autism will have the same symptoms or difficulties. Some may have difficulties with social interaction and repetitive or restrictive behaviours while others can function better in a social environment.

Each person is unique, with no two people on the spectrum the same. The differences between one person with ASD and the next, depend on a combination of factors, such as social ability, communication level, cognitive ability (IQ), age and personality.

There is no cure for ASD, however, early intervention has seen great results in helping those living with the condition to live a happy and fulfilling life.

If you suspect your child may have ASD, visit your family doctor or paediatrician.

The Australian Government announced the first National Autism Strategy on January 14, 2025, to better support people with ASD and their families. 

The recently announced strategy was guided by consultations with people who have ASD, their families, carers, researchers, experts in the disability sector and the National Autism Strategy Oversight Council

As part of the National Autism Strategy, strategies and programs will be established to improve:

  • social inclusion;
  • economic inclusion;
  • diagnoses, related services and support; and
  • general and mental health.

Read the Talking Disability news article (published January 14, 2025) to learn more about the National Autism Strategy: Disability experts are cautious of the recently announced National Autism Strategy.


Have you noticed signs of autism spectrum disorder in your child or yourself?

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Relevant content:

Autism resources

Autism myths and misconceptions

The Disability Support Guide to discussing autism spectrum disorder behaviour
