Case study: person-centred mental health support

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Ash had been a part of the mental health system since she was 14 years old, but it wasn’t until she found Richmond Wellbeing’s Recovery House, a live-in supported accommodation service, that she really felt her life turn around.

“I was a shell – I had no hope before entering the program. I didn’t care at all and that was a scary place to be,” Ash says.

“For the first time in years I was treated as an individual and not just another number. I was seen as a person with my own goals and my own struggles and was treated as such.”

Recovery House’s person-centred and community-driven approach allowed Ash to learn about mental health pathways and study to receive her Diploma of Community Services and Case Management.

“I’ve participated in many mental health training courses, which has really helped my understanding of recovery,” Ash says.

“I can talk about things more openly now, especially with my family. The family involvement at Recovery House was really invaluable and it’s nice they could go on that journey with me.”

Ash now works at Recovery House as a Recovery Support Worker and promotes the message of hope to others by sharing her lived experience.

“It’s a privilege to see people and share space with people when they’re at their most vulnerable,” Ash adds.

“I’m able to say to them ‘I’ve been there’ and it’s not tokenistic, it’s genuine.

“I feel really positive about my future and I just want to keep using opportunities that come up to give a little bit of my hope to someone who’s lost theirs.”

Richmond Wellbeing offers a range of community support services, both residential and outreach. They are a registered NDIS provider, helping people access services that make a real difference.

Case study provided by Richmond Wellbeing.
