NDIS partners

As of September 30, 2024, there are an estimated 680,000 people with disability who are active National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.
Key points:
- More than 680,000 people living with disability are supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS
- The NDIS rollout was completed in July 2020
- Depending on your state or territory, there will be different NDIS partners in the community
About the NDIS rollout
The National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS was introduced across the country in a stage-by-stage process to ensure a smooth and successful transition from previous supports.
The rollout of the NDIS across Australia was completed on July 1, 2020.
Supports you previously received either through state-based supports or other government-funded programs will now have been transitioned to the NDIS.
For many people dealing with the NDIS, a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) will be the main point of contact for the NDIS.
LACs are local organisations that work in partnership with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). These organisations assist participants to write and manage their plans and connect them to mainstream services.
Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) is support for children aged 0-6 years old with a developmental delay or disability.
Each state and territory has partnered with an ECEI organisation that delivers these valuable supports within their local area.
You can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) byfinding your local office, filling out theonline contact form or calling 1800 800 110.
Australian Capital Territory
The NDIA has partnered with Feros Care to deliver LAC services and work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
EACH is the ECEI partner delivering childhood disability support services within the ACT.
New South Wales
The NDIA has partnered with three local community based organisations to deliver LAC services in New South Wales.
They work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
Each organisation covers different areas in Metropolitan Sydney or Regional NSW:
- Uniting
- Sydney metropolitan areas: Northern Sydney, Western Sydney
- NSW regional areas: Illawarra Shoalhaven, Nepean Blue Mountains, Southern NSW
- St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
- Sydney metropolitan areas: South Eastern Sydney, South Western Sydney, Sydney
- NSW regional areas: Central Coast, Hunter New England
- Social Futures
- NSW regional areas: Far West, Mid North Coast, Murrumbidgee, Northern NSW, Western NSW
NSW ECEI partners include:
- Lifestart
- Central Coast, Illawarra Shoalhaven, South Eastern Sydney, Sydney, and Nepean Blue Mountains service areas
- Northcott
- Hunter New England, Mid North Coast, Northern NSW, and Western Sydney service areas.
- Mission Australia
- Far West and Western NSW service areas
- South Western Sydney, and Southern NSW service areas
- Intereach
- Murrumbidgee service area
- MacKillop Family Services
- Far West and Western
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance
- Northern Sydney service area
Northern Territory
For most people living in the Local Government areas of Darwin, Litchfield, and Palmerston in the Darwin Urban service area, a LAC working for APM will be your main contact point for the NDIS.
The ECEI partner for the Darwin Urban service area is Early Childhood Australia – Northern Territory Branch (ECANT). ECANT provides services to Darwin, Litchfield and Palmerston.
The NDIA has partnered with the community organisations below to deliver LAC services in certain areas. These organisations work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
- Carers Queensland Incorporated
- Metropolitan areas: Logan, Brisbane, Moreton Bat, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast
- Regional areas: Rockhampton, Toowoomba
- Feros Care
- Regional areas: Mackay, Townsville
- Regional area: Bundaberg
- Regional area: Maryborough
- Mission Australia
- Regional area: Cairns
QLD ECEI partners include:
- UnitingCare Community
- Metropolitan regions: Gold Coast,
- Regional areas: Mackay, Toowoomba, Townsville
- The Benevolent Society
- Metropolitan areas: Brisbane, Logan, Moreton Bay
- Metropolitan area: Ipswich
- BUSHkids
- Metropolitan regions: Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Maryborough
- Regional areas: Rockhampton
- Mission Australia
- Regional area: Cairns
South Australia
The NDIA has partnered with three local community-based organisations to deliver LAC services in South Australia. They work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
Each organisation covers different areas in Metropolitan Adelaide or Regional SA:
- Feros Care
- Adelaide metropolitan areas: Barossa, Light and Lower North, Northern Adelaide
- Baptcare
- Adelaide metropolitan areas: Eastern Adelaide, Western Adelaide
- SA regional areas: Yorke and Mid-North
- Mission Australia
- Adelaide metropolitan areas: Adelaide Hills, Southern Adelaide
- SA regional areas: Limestone Coast, Murray and Mallee, Fleurieu Peninsula (not including Kangaroo Island), Whyalla, Port Augusta, Flinders Ranges
The NDIS has partnered with Kudos Services to provide ECEI support to South Australian children with disability.
Metropolitan Adelaide and Regional areas covered by ECEI support in South Australia include:
- Adelaide metropolitan areas: Adelaide Hills, Southern, Western and Northern Adelaide
- SA regional areas: Barossa Light and Lower North, Eastern, Eyre and Western and Far North, Local Government Areas of Whyalla, Port Augusta and Flinders Ranges Council, Fleurieu Peninsula (not including Kangaroo Island), Limestone Coast, Murray and Mallee, Yorke and Mid North
A mobile service with early childhood professionals from the Kudos Services country team visits the regions of: Limestone Coast, Murray and Mallee, Adelaide Hills, Yorke and Mid North, Barossa Light and Lower North.
The two community-based organisations that have partnered with NDIA to deliver both LAC and ECEI services in Tasmania are:
- Baptcare servicing Tasmania’s North and South West
- Mission Australia servicing Tasmania’s South East and North West
The three community-based organisations who have partnered with NDIA to deliver LAC services in Victoria are listed below. They work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
Each organisation covers different areas in metropolitan Melbourne or regional Victoria:
- Brotherhood of St Laurence
- Melbourne Metropolitan areas: Bayside Peninsula, Hume Moreland, Brimbank Melton, North East Melbourne, Western Melbourne
- Latrobe Community Health Service
- Melbourne Metropolitan areas: Inner Eastern Melbourne, Outer Eastern Melbourne, Southern Melbourne
- Victorian regional areas: Barwon, Central Highlands, Inner Gippsland, Outer Gippsland, Ovens Murray, Wimmera South West
- Intereach
- Victorian regional areas: Loddon, Goulburn, Mallee
The ECEI partners for Victorian children living with disability include:
- Link Health and Community
- Metropolitan Melbourne areas: Outer Eastern Melbourne, Inner Eastern Melbourne, Southern Melbourne
- Regional areas: Inner Gippsland, Outer Gippsland
- Brotherhood of St Laurence
- Metropolitan Melbourne area: North East Melbourne, Western Melbourne, Hume Moreland, Bayside Peninsula, Brimbank Melton
- Barwon Child, Youth and Family
- Regional area: Barwon
- Latrobe Community Health Service
- Regional areas: Central Highlands, Wimmera South West
- Intereach
- Regional areas: Goulburn, Loddon, Mallee
- Merri Community Health Service
- Regional area: Ovens Murray
Western Australia
The community-based organisations that have partnered with the NDIA to deliver LAC services in Western Australia are listed below. They work with people with disability in the community to help with their NDIS journey.
The NDIA has partnered with two organisations to deliver LAC services in WA:
- Mission Australia
- Central North Metro, South East Metro and North East Metro service areas
- Metropolitan areas: Central South Metro, North Metro, South Metro
- Regional areas: Great Southern, Inner Wheatbelt, South West
The WA ECEI partner, Wanslea Family Services provides support in the Central North Metro, Central South Metro, North Metro, North East Metro, South Metro, South West, Great Southern, South East Metro and Inner Wheatbelt service areas.
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