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Respite Services

Respite is a great form of temporary accommodation available when you or your carer need a break.


Taking a break from your carer is beneficial to both of you, for example when your carer goes on holidays or is unable to care for you due to illness. Not only does it help maintain positive family and carer relationships, but it also allows you the chance to meet new people and experience new things. This is known as respite and it plays an important role in allowing carers to take a time-out from their caring role.

There is a wide range of respite options such as centre-based day support, overnight or weekend support, in home support, community-based respite, host family stays and emergency respite. Some of these options provide respite in your own home, while others mean you leave your home and stay elsewhere.

Respite support is available from a couple of hours to a weekend or over a week, depending on your location and availability of support services. Your eligibility for respite care depends on the type of care you need and the service provider.