A new dawn for DPS: investing in the future of care

Posted 2 years ago by Anna Christian
CEO of DPS Publishing Michelle Beech, left, and CarePage founder and CEO Lauren Todorovic.
CEO of DPS Publishing Michelle Beech, left, and CarePage founder and CEO Lauren Todorovic.

The future of Australia’s top-ranking Aged Care and Disability Support digital and printed resources is looking bright after a change in shareholders of multi-platform media company DPS Publishing, which will secure the organisation’s market-leading position for years to come.

Leading data collection and analytics software platform CarePage has acquired the company, which includes Australia’s largest aged care directory, AgedCareGuide.com.au, DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au and printed publications including Aged Care Guide, Disability Support Guide and Your Retirement Living magazine incorporating Home Care Guide.

Continuing at the helm of DPS is the company’s first female Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Michelle Beech, who has been leading the team since 2019 and is looking forward to this new chapter.

“It’s a really exciting time for DPS. With new owners who are dedicated to invest to see our company grow and want us to do more of the great things we have achieved so far,” Ms Beech says.

“This is by no means changing who we are and what we do. What it will do is give us the opportunity to work on more exciting projects into the future.”

The acquisition is the result of a five year growth strategy with the exiting shareholders buying into DPS in 2016 looking to develop the business and sell within a set time frame.

Ms Beech was brought on board as CEO in 2019 to get the business ready for sale, increase culture, build a strong talented team, diversify income, develop and execute key strategic plans and develop relationships in the sector for the new prospective buyers at the end of that tenure.

Under new ownership DPS will continue its 22 year history of helping older Australians and people living with disability with quality information to support their care decisions.

“This is purely a change of shareholders and won’t impact on our business offerings, processes or structure,” Ms Beech continues.

“The current team and structure at DPS has been retained with the purchase as they are the heart and soul of the business.

“We are pleased that the people who have bought DPS believe in our team and the vision we have for the future.

“They will strengthen what we already provide and together we can achieve more.”

CarePage Founder and CEO Lauren Todorovic, is passionate about care and has her sights set on ensuring that Australian families are better equipped to make informed decisions.

“Most families trying to navigate the aged care space are doing so at a point of crisis,” says Ms Todorovic.

“This acquisition will allow us to provide families with the information and support required to make better informed decisions about their loved ones’ aged care journey.”

Ms Beech is excited about the future and says “Partnering with like minded people whose mission and thinking is the same as ours has been one of the blessings of this partnership”.

“DPS was founded 22 years ago to help consumers navigate a confusing aged care system and provide information and support through what can be a difficult time in their lives. We give them choice and control over the support they receive for themselves or their loved ones, connecting them to providers in multiple, easy to use and understand ways.

“Expanding our services from not only residential care, home care and retirement, to also include the disability sector over the last four years to help participants navigate the NDIS, we believe we have the right combination of both print and online media outlets to help any person on their journey, whether they might be just starting out or thinking of changing providers, our array of services available are there to help people on their way,” Ms Beech says.

“CarePage was also founded from the same ideas and values – to help those looking for care when they need it the most.”

Bringing the company under the CarePage umbrella will create a one stop shop to help Australians navigate the complexities of aged and home care, retirement and disability support, as they search, compare and choose the best care for themselves or their loved ones.

Together, the two businesses are stronger combining perfect synergies to accelerate growth in the B2B market, and opening up channels to the B2C market through innovation of the aged care directory.

Ms Beech adds, “DPS will continue to offer the same quality products and services as before and there is no change to current contracts. And we look forward to joining forces with CarePage in the development of new and existing innovations servicing the aged and disability sectors.

“Together the two companies can provide such a broad range of services to suit any person’s requirements, whether it be the consumer, participant or the provider.

“I am excited to be working alongside Lauren and her team and the plans we have for expansion in the next few years is something I can’t wait to be a part of and show everyone.”

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