Accessibility at events on the rise

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
There has been some great progress made in event accessibility within Australia [Source: Shutterstock]
There has been some great progress made in event accessibility within Australia [Source: Shutterstock]

SPONSORED STORY: The past weekend saw the return of Ability Fest, a music festival presented by the Dylan Alcott Foundation and Untitled Group.

The festival was organised to make live music more accessible to people of all abilities, with Auslan interpreters on stage, quiet zones, raised platforms and multiple accessible toilets.

The return of Ability Fest offers a chance to open up the conversation about accessibility at all festivals, performances and art and entertainment events.

There has been some great progress made in event accessibility within Australia.

Most events allow Companion Card holders to receive a complimentary companion ticket, so event attendees are able to bring a carer or support worker with them for support and safety.

Having a great companion to come along to an event can ensure that event-goers with disability can enjoy events in safety, comfort and security.

NDIS service providers like Auscare Disability Services can connect people with friendly, well-trained support workers who are keen to attend events alongside NDIS recipients of all ages.

Whether a person with disability is attending an event with a group of friends or solo, having a support worker alongside them means they can relax and enjoy their event knowing they have the support they need.

“Everyone deserves the right to access and enjoy cultural, music and entertainment events in comfort and safety,” NDIS Manager at Auscare, Tanya Johnston says.

While many events and venues offer specific forms of accessibility for people living with a disability, they often don’t provide services that benefit the needs of people with different disabilities.

When it comes to accessibility, it’s vital that society listens to what different people with disability want and need.

While many accessibility features are commonly-recognised, like ramps, elevators, accessible parking and accessible toilets, a recent survey released by Auscare Group WA revealed that many people would benefit from a range of other services.

Survey responses included requests for quiet, low-sensory spaces, priority access queues and venue staff being trained in understanding and assisting people with different disabilities.

By listening to, acknowledging and addressing the wide variety of accessibility issues of Australians living with disability, it can foster independence, accessibility and inclusivity in society.

For more information about Auscare Group WA’s NDIS services, please call (08) 6364 3917 or email [email protected].

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