Accessible travel magazine launches

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
The magazine provides valuable advice, tips and reviews when it comes to accessible travel [Source: Shutterstock]
The magazine provides valuable advice, tips and reviews when it comes to accessible travel [Source: Shutterstock]

People with disability will be able to plan and enjoy stress-free travel with the launch of Australia’s first accessible travel magazine.

Travel Without Limits, published by the team behind Travel with Special Needs, a travel agency helping people with disability enjoy and book accessible travel, provides valuable advice, tips and reviews when it comes to accessible travel.

The magazine was launched with the help of partners Destination NSW and Blue Badge Insurance Australia.

Co-founder and Executive Editor of Travel Without Limits, Julie Jones says specific stories and experiences will allow people with disability to travel in confidence.

“We believe these should be written by people with lived experience.

“So we’ve brought together contributors and partners [with disability] to share stories and experiences to help you plan, prepare and feel like our readers can travel without limits.”

Fellow Co-founder and Executive Editor, Janeece Keller says accessible tourism needs to be given the space it deserves.

“We strongly believe in the need to promote accessible and inclusive travel in the mainstream media.

“Travel Without Limits gives us that opportunity and we’re excited to share these stories and relevant information with our readers.”

Senior Policy Officer at People with Disability Australia (PWDA) Samantha French says information about accessible is always welcomed by people with disability.

“People with disability love to travel, on holiday and for work, just as non-disabled people do.

“However, many travel destinations and journeys remain inaccessible to us.

“As the national provider of the Qantas Carer Concession Card, we know how popular travel is for people with disability and how companies should be working to improve access to all parts of the travel experience.

“Information about different accessible travel options will be welcomed by people with disability in planning and arranging their next holiday or adventure,” Ms French says.

Travel Without Limits is available to read on the Travel with Special Needs website here.


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