Bedford joins Partners in Performance for disability employment

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus
Cultivate Food and Beverage is going to help the homeless and offer people with disability the chance to upskill and enter the workforce (source: Shutterstock)
Cultivate Food and Beverage is going to help the homeless and offer people with disability the chance to upskill and enter the workforce (source: Shutterstock)

Following the announcement of a $45 million dollar facility, Bedford Group has partnered with global consultancy firm, Partners in Performance, to further its reputation as the second largest employer of people with disabilities.

Following the announcement of a $45 million dollar facility, Bedford Group has partnered with global consultancy firm, Partners in Performance, to further its reputation as the second largest employer of people with disabilities.

The master plan for boosting employment in South Australia is centred around a more sustainable model of finding out how to scale-up and maintain a break-even point, according to Ben Thompson from Partners in Performance.

“Our partnership with Bedford has led to the identification of an under-served niche in commercial kitchens. The development of a model that will provide open employment opportunities for people of all abilities,” says Ben Thompson from Partners in Performance.

In the future, Bedford intends to lead the market of employment opportunities for people with disabilities, through skill-building activities, supported independent living services, job coaching and supply/distribution chains of gourmet food through Cultivate Food and Beverage.

“By introducing a social enterprise aspect to our not-for-profit model, Bedford is now able to cast a wider net for clients and better support them in achieving their career aspirations within commercial kitchens, restaurants, and the wider hospitality industry,” says Sam Hunter, Chief Operating Officer of Bedford Social Enterprises. 

Per each eight-hour shift, Bedford’s new Cultivate Food and Beverage commercial kitchen is expected to produce:

  • 800 kilograms of product
  • 1,000 ready meals
  • Meals for people living in SA experiencing homelessness

This shift will equip our clients with the skills needed to embrace exciting and meaningful opportunities, and assist with overcoming barriers attached to pursuing such careers. An added benefit of Bedford’s revised model also means new opportunities for investors that are looking for both a financial return and social dividend,” says Mr Hunter.

“We’re extremely enthusiastic to see the positive impact this project holds for the wider community and investors alike,” he adds.

As a consultancy firm, Partners in Performance has offered Bedford Group the expertise to evolve as an organisation which offers choice to its workers through supported employment or through the upcoming open employment hub in Adelaide’s North, with the kitchen being a landmark for inclusivity and workforce development in SA.

Bedford’s adaptability in embracing ever-changing market conditions ensures the business’ future and ability to flourish, after the first Bedford kitchen opened in March.

“Bedford’s collaboration with Partners in Performance is one significant step of a larger journey toward uplifting and empowering our diverse South Australian community through meaningful employment opportunities for all,” says Mr Hunter.

If you live with a disability and you’re after work, please check out the Disability Support Guide portal to get started.

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