Disability conference grant recipients announced

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope
33 organisations will receive grants of up to $10,000 to help people with disability and their carers attend disability-related conferences for the 2018-2019 year [Source: Shutterstock]
33 organisations will receive grants of up to $10,000 to help people with disability and their carers attend disability-related conferences for the 2018-2019 year [Source: Shutterstock]

People with disability will now have a greater opportunity to attend national disability conferences thanks to a new Government grants initiative

Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher announced last Thursday 33 organisations will receive grants of up to $10,000 to help people with disability and their carers attend disability-related conferences for the 2018-2019 year.

Minister Fletcher says it is imperative people with disability and their carers are “included and heard at a national, state and local level”.

The grants are worth a total of $312,349 and are to assist people with disability, their family members or carers with costs associated with attending disability-related conferences with a national focus.

“By assisting with conference fees, accomodation and travel costs, these grants will enable more people to participate in important disability-related conferences through to 30 June 2019” Minister Fletcher says.

Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services Sarah Henderson adds the National Disability Conference Initiative promotes inclusive and accessible communities as part of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020.

“These grants will also provide services and equipment for people while attending conferences such as Auslan interpreters, assistive computer devices and software, aids and appliances,” she says.

The 33 organisations receiving grants are:

  • Angelman Syndrome Association Australia

  • Aus Docc Inc.

  • Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability Ltd

  • Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Limited

  • Australian Rehabilitation And Assistive Technology Association Inco

  • Australian Sign Language Interpreters Association

  • Australian Tertiary Education Network On Disability (Atend) Incorporated

  • Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT)

  • Blind Citizens Australia

  • Deakin University – The Inclusive Education Summit

  • Disability Employment Australia

  • Griffith University – The Hopkins Research Centre Bold Ideas Better Solutions

  • Hear And Say – Centre For Deaf Children Limited

  • Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia Inc.

  • International Society For Augmentative And Alternative Communication (Isaac)-Aus

  • Limbs 4 Life Incorporated

  • Lipoedema Australia Ltd

  • Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Incorporated

  • Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association Inc.

  • Motor Neurone Disease Association of Australia Incorporated

  • National Stroke Foundation

  • Parkinson’s South Australia Incorporated

  • People with Multiple Sclerosis (Vic) Inc.

  • Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities Incorporate

  • Save our Sons Inc.

  • Short Statured People of Australia Incorporated

  • Source Kids Limited

  • Speak Out Association of Tasmania Incorporated

  • Telethon Kids Institute

  • The Immune Deficiency Foundation Of Australia Limited

  • The Myositis Association – Australia

  • Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

  • Tuberous Sclerosis Australia Incorporated

For more information on disability support and services, please visit DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au

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