Disability service providers to deliver accommodation and respite support

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope
​Five Victorian not-for-profit disability service providers will deliver accommodation and respite services [Source: Shutterstock]
​Five Victorian not-for-profit disability service providers will deliver accommodation and respite services [Source: Shutterstock]

Five Victorian not-for-profit disability service providers will aid the transition of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) through the delivery of accommodation and respite services.

The delivery of these supports, which are currently operated by the Victorian Government, will provide people with disability greater control and choice over the services and support they receive.

Disability service providers, House with No Steps, Life Without Barriers, Melba Support Services, Possability and Scope were selected through a tender process, with the transition of services to begin in February next year.  

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of House with No Steps (HWNS), Andrew Richardson says the organisation is looking forward to providing 67 supported living and respite services to people with disability.

“We are committed to ensuring people with disability are given the respect and opportunities they deserve. We feel very privileged to be able to support people with disability in more places and in new and better ways,” he says.

“We will draw on our experience of successfully transferring NSW Government services to HWNS in 2017. We will work closely with all of the people involved in this transfer; people with disability, families, carers and staff.”

Mr Richardson says HWNS understands the dedication required to successfully transition such services and insists HWNS will remain transparent and ready to answer any questions people may have throughout the process.

“Our priority is to ensure continuity of service and a smooth transition.”

HWNS currently supports over 5,000 people across the regional, rural and metropolitan areas of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT.

Scope was also selected to deliver supported independent living services to people with disability living in 226 specialist accommodation housing and 12 short-term accommodation and respite services across the state.

CEO Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald says the news comes at a very exciting time for the disability service provider.

“This significant initiative coincides with a historical milestone for Scope. We’re celebrating our 70th anniversary this month, remembering our beginnings when a group of families who were seeking much-needed support for their kids banded together and created Scope,” she says.

“Scope is honoured to work with the Victorian Government on this shared vision to achieve the best possible outcomes for people with disability, their families and the staff who support them.”  

The transition will be strengthened by a $26 million investment in the disability workforce and the implementation of the registration and accreditation scheme passed in Parliament last week.

Staff will remain in their current roles until the transition to the new providers is completed by 2021.

New providers will also be closely monitored by the Government to ensure the highest standards of quality, safety and workforce. 

For more information on disability support and services, please visit DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au 

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