Disability service providers to join NDIS National Day of Action

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
​A number of Australia’s disability service providers will call for a better NDIS during Every Australian Counts National Day of Action tomorrow [Source: Shutterstock]
​A number of Australia’s disability service providers will call for a better NDIS during Every Australian Counts National Day of Action tomorrow [Source: Shutterstock]

A number of Australia’s disability service providers will call for a better National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) during Every Australian Counts National Day of Action tomorrow. 

Acting Chief Executive Officer of National Disability Services (NDS), David Moody says providers will urge bipartisan support for actions to ensure the NDIS delivers the great social reform promised.

“The NDIS is transforming the lives of many participants, but too many people with disability still aren’t getting the support they need because of problems with the way the Scheme is being implemented,” Mr Moody says.

“The NDIS is clearly underspent, which suggests to us that people with disability aren’t getting what they need, when they need it.

“We need to fix the red tape and poor processes that are strangling the NDIS, and we need to ensure that it delivers the choice and control which was at the heart of the Scheme when it began – and to deliver this to every corner of Australia.

This is not the first time disability service providers have been at the centre of Every Australian Counts’ campaign, working to win the Government’s bipartisan support for the NDIS in 2013.

“Disability service providers remain 100 percent committed to making the Scheme work and absolutely believe it is the right reform for Australia,” Mr Moody says.

“Over the last six months providers have joined in local community forums across the country to identify what’s not working with the NDIS and put forward sensible solutions to overcoming these issues.

”We’re uniting again with people with disability, their families and carers on May 3 to call on all parties to show bipartisan support for getting the Scheme on track and making it work for everyone,” he says.

You can find out more about the National Day of Action on May 3 on the Every Australian Counts website.

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