DPS’ disability game-changer is ready and set to LAUNCH!

Posted 6 years ago by Alexandra Stopford
DPS has launched their new product: DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au (Source: DPS)
DPS has launched their new product: DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au (Source: DPS)

A new, national and game-changing online disability support directory, developed by consumers and for consumers has been launched today, offering a better connection and better understanding between consumers and providers than ever before.

DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au, by Adelaide-based multiplatform media company DPS, is unlike anything seen before, and, through it’s reliable, accurate and user-centric approach, is set to help Australians seeking support to confidently navigate the often complex disability system from start to finish, and step by step.

DPS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Ogden says the newly launched directory will offer users extensive information and guidance, the latest in disability news and, most importantly, a reliable, accurate and comprehensive National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and disability support provider directory.

“DPS has consulted closely with consumers, Government and industry professionals from across the country to develop this reliable and accurate directory that will ensure providers and those seeking care are better connected than ever,” Mr Ogden explains.

“We know that finding services is stressful, that the system can be confusing and that people living with disability, their families and carers are frustrated.

“We have heard the cries from thousands of Australians who are fed up with spending hours on the phone to government departments or scouring the depths of the internet for the information they need to make informed disability support decisions.

“And our solution is DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au . ”

Mr Ogden adds that DPS is widely known as Australia’s original and most established aged care information provider, now bringing the same “trusted and innovative approach” to the disability sector, as they have for the aged care sector for more than 20 years through AgedCareGuide.com.au.

“Our resources are not just for people who understand the NDIS, we want to help everyone learn about disability support, where to start and where to turn for help,” he says.

“In many cases it’s about answering the questions that people didn’t know they should be asking.”

Rebekah Ewing and her son, an NDIS approved participant, are among the expected 460,000 NDIS participants whose lives will be changed by the simplicity, ease and quality of information on offer from DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au.

“Until now, navigating the NDIS has been a frustrating, time consuming and overwhelming experience,” Mrs Ewing explains.

“I have spent countless hours researching online without really knowing where I should be looking and what I should be looking for.

DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au provides all the information in the one place and brings much needed clarity to system, ultimately ensuring that I make the best decision for my son.”

Key features and stand-out points of DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au that will support consumers in need, like Mrs Ewing and her son, include:

• Search results which show what is available to be delivered externally to the area, not just what is physically located in the area

• Content and information is not just tailored to those who understand the NDIS terminology of core, capital and capacity

• The ability to search by what a provider actually does, not just what they are registered for; and

• Offering not just a search directory, DisabilitySupportGuide.com.au will ultimately provide a step by step support from the start with information covering all stages of the journey

In addition to the online provider directory, DPS is also launching a state-by-state printed guide – the DPS Guide to Disability Support (available for free from mid-May).

DPS are expanding the content on the website daily so recommend coming back regularly to see the exciting new updates. The company also has ongoing plans to evolve the online content as users interact with the new one-stop-shop platform.