Every donation doubled for people with disability to find paid work

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus
The inaugural Giving Day will support the 12 percent of people supported by Yooralla. (Source: Shutterstock)
The inaugural Giving Day will support the 12 percent of people supported by Yooralla. (Source: Shutterstock)

A group of donors are looking to make sure that no good deed goes unrewarded, as they double the community efforts to fund future employment. 

On June 1, Yooralla’s inaugural Giving Day will see donations made from now until then matched, in order to create opportunities for people living with disabilities to find paid work.

The campaign, ‘my path, our future,’ will further Yooralla’s incredible work, to the excitement and joy of many, according to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Terry Symonds, who believes this will enable the group to establish a personalised job pathways program using the funds.

“Of the approximately 1,650 people with disability of working age that Yooralla supports, roughly 10 percent are employed in the open job market, with [sic] further 12 percent having expressed their desire to be employed,” says Mr Symonds.

Alongside a CEO-intern program for leaders with disability, workshops with world-leading experts in customised employment and training partnerships with Victorian TAFEs and universities, a personalised job pathways program will be Yooralla’s flagship initiative for championing employment opportunities for people with disability.

“This program will include initiatives like employment coaches, peer-support groups, taster and internship programs and education and training opportunities that will support our clients who want to be in paid work,” says Mr Symonds.

“Whether our clients want to volunteer, work in a café, start their own business, earn a qualification or more, we will work with them to customise their journey towards employment, considering their own interests, talents, skills and aspirations.”

Unlike some ‘donation matching’ campaigns, donations of up to $188,000 dollars will be eligible for multiplying their availability of work to people keen to get started and forge their own path.

Fran, a Yooralla client living with down syndrome, showcases her excitement and joy for photography in a video posted to YouTube, highlighting the interests, skills and passions of people supported by the campaign. 

“I wanted to do a course behind the camera, because one of my dream jobs is photography and hopefully I can start taking more photos and I can be my own boss,” says Fran, beaming with a confident smile.

As a Yooralla Foundation Committee Member, Rob uses a wheelchair and says that working is good for the soul, making it really important for a fulfilling life.

“As someone with a disability, the opportunity I had to go and do an undergraduate and then post-graduate degrees were critical to me being able to move into areas that I was interested in,” he says.

To donate to a cause worthy of applause, help the passionate people Yooralla supports achieve their aims, dreams and aspirations, giving back to the community in a self-sustaining way.

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