Fearless Australians with disability hit the big screen

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
Disabled surfer and Feros Care ambassador Barney Miller [Source: Supplied]
Disabled surfer and Feros Care ambassador Barney Miller [Source: Supplied]

Television series, Fearless Films, is returning for a second season, turning its focus to smashing stereotypes of disability by empowering and inspiring people to pursue their dreams.

Disability and aged care service provider, Feros Care and Screenworks, have partnered up again for a second series, putting the call out to people with disability, aged between six and 65, who want to share their stories.

In the first season of Fearless Films, nine seniors aged 75 and over shared their stories of ‘growing bold, not old’, whereas the second season will celebrate the achievements of five Australians with disability. 

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Feros Care, Jennene Buckley, hopes the second season of Fearless Films will challenge society’s perceptions of disability.

“Feros Care wants to confront traditional views that people are somehow held back or defined by their disability, because the truth is they have motivations and problems to overcome, just like everyone else.”

“Through Fearless Films, we want to tell stories of resilience and courage about people living boldly while inspiring others to pursue their dreams and desires, regardless of their ability, and this message can also be applied to gender, age, orientation and race.”

Ms Buckley says although it is encouraging that there has been current societal change where people with disability are more widely validated within their communities, there is still more ground to cover.

“In spite of the progress society has made, there is still a very strong stigma surrounding disability in Australia and we hope our Fearless Films series contributes in a small but meaningful way by giving people a medium and a voice to tell their important stories.

“Through my work at Feros Care, I am privileged to learn on a daily basis about the courageous, determined and deeply moving stories of people with disability and I am very much looking forward to seeing some of these stories come to life on the big screen.”

CEO of Screenworks, Ken Crouch, says film is a perfect way to get into the homes of everyday Australians and challenge viewers’ perceptions and behaviours around disability. 

“Film is an extremely powerful medium for giving insight into the lives of others, advocating for more inclusive communities and starting conversations around discrimination.

“Fearless Films: Season 2 will bust myths that disability is a barrier to pursuing your dreams, and empower others to pursue theirs.”

Mr Crouch says Screenworks is looking forward to working with a host of talented filmmakers to tell the stories of remarkable Australians with disability.

Fearless Films: Season 2 is now calling for story submissions from people with disability, or their carers, located in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. 

There are five ‘positions’ available and applications close on Wednesday, 18 September, 2019.

For more information or to apply, click here or contact Screenworks on (02) 6681 1188.

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