First Chief Commercial Officer appointed by Hireup

Posted 3 years ago by Anna Christian
New Chief Commercial Officer at Hireup Jason Chuck. [Source: Supplied]
New Chief Commercial Officer at Hireup Jason Chuck. [Source: Supplied]

Online disability support worker hire and management platform Hireup has appointed its first Chief Commercial Officer to expand the organisation’s impact.

Jason Chuck is stepping into the role, from a background in platforms like Domain, Google and eHarmony AU.

“After spending the last eight years focused on the home and property industries, it’s time for a big shift to follow a personal passion of mine,” he says.

“Hireup isn’t just a pureplay digital platform – it’s a highly trusted, reliable service provider which supports more than 10,000 people with disability and their families each year. 

“The connections Hireup facilitates are truly life changing for people, and the potential to do more is something I’m tremendously excited to become a part of.”

Hireup has also recently announced a $40 million partnership with SEEK investments, which the platform’s Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Jordan O’Reilly says in conjunction with Mr Chuck’s new leadership position will help it to deliver on the promise of the NDIS.

“To have funding from SEEK, and to attract world class executives to the Australian disability sector is something that would’ve been unimaginable 10 years ago,” Mr O’Reilly says.

“This type of funding and global talent in our sector will be a huge benefit to people with disability, their families and support workers.

“It’s wonderful to see our for-purpose organisation, which we started based on personal

experience, now attracting executive leaders of Jason’s calibre.”

Hireup was launched in 2015 and has helped clients with disability to save $70 million in NDIS funding by connecting them with the right support.

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