Hop write to it … applications for Write-ability Fellowships open!

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope
Applications for the program are now open [Source: Shutterstock]
Applications for the program are now open [Source: Shutterstock]

An award winning program supporting the skills and development of writers with disability in Victoria is fielding applications for its sixth year.

Writers Victoria’s 2018 Write-ability Fellowships will see five lucky recipients participate in workshops, mentors and writing assessments with the help of hand-picked industry experts.

The program aims to remove barriers placed on people with disability within the writing and publishing industry by providing emerging talent with the information and tools required to further their writing careers.

2017 Fellow Jess Walton would like to see the program adopted in other states and countries.

“This project has boosted my confidence, energised me creatively and brought a lot of joy into my life,” she says.

“I’m incredibly grateful for the support and patience of the Writers Victoria staff during the Fellowship period.”

Project Officer, Harriet Gaffney says Write-ability’s tailored support has helped a number of disability writers in their personal and professional development.

“Write-ability is underpinned by a belief in the importance of self-told stories, disability-leadership and peer support and seeks to create opportunities for even the quietest voices to be heard.”

“We are always keen to give fellows the opportunity to present their work publically, for example, last year’s Fellows will be appearing at the Emerging Writers Festival in June,” she says.

Victorian writers with disability who reside within the state are encouraged to apply by completing an application form, including an extract of their work.

Applications for the Fellowships close Wednesday June 6 2018 at 4pm and can be emailed to Harriet at [email protected], submitted in person during business hours or posted to Writers Victoria.

A Write-ability Fellowships webinar information session will be delivered by Harriet on Thursday May 31 from 11am.

Fellows receive six months of support, which depending on the direction their fellowship takes, includes meetings with mentors, feedback and workshops, with projects and activities changing each year.

Previous mentors have included authors Shivaun Plozza and Lyndel Caffrey, poet Andy Jackson and writer and disability activist Jax Jacki Brown.

For more information on the Write-ability Fellowships, click here and to book your spot at the webinar click here.