ILC grants to boost scope of disability organisations

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
The focus on this new grant round include peer support groups, mentoring programs, skill-building programs and capacity building programs [Source: Shutterstock]
The focus on this new grant round include peer support groups, mentoring programs, skill-building programs and capacity building programs [Source: Shutterstock]

The latest grant round for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) is now open, with the $19.9 million investment to help empower people with disability in achieving their goals and being active participants within their communities.

Minister for Families and Social Services Paul Fletcher opened the new ILC grant round earlier this week alongside Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services, Sarah Henderson.

“These grants of up to $19.9 million in 2018-19 focus on investment for organisations run by and for people with disability,” Mr Fletcher says.

He says previous ILC grants have helped deliver on initiatives that enable people with disability to participate and enjoy in mainstream and community life.

“With this new grant round, we are putting people with disability and their organisations at the centre of how we deliver ILC.”

Over the last two years, $82.7 million of Federal Government funding has been invested in organisations that promote inclusion of people with disability.

The focus on this new grant round include peer support groups, mentoring programs, skill-building programs and capacity building programs.

“This additional investment of $19.9 million will build and strengthen the organisational capacity of Disabled Peoples and Families Organisations (DPFOs) across Australia to deliver individual capacity building activities for people with disability.”

Assistant Minister Sarah Henderson says the ILC grants will help leverage the ability of disability organisations to connect and support people with disability in their local communities.

“These grants will provide opportunities to local groups and organisations to foster greater community inclusion and accessibility for people with disability, their families and carers.”

People with Disability Australia took to Twitter to share their excitement on the ILC grants.

“We are pleased to see the latest round of @NDIS #ILC #grants announced specifically for #DPOs – organisations run by people with #disability for people with disability. We are looking forward to see the outcome.”

Applications for the new ILC grant rounds close at 2pm on 21 December and more information is available here.

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