Integrated technology for NDIS support will revolutionise disability care

Posted 3 years ago by Liz Alderslade
Lookout is using integrated technology in disability service delivery that can help the sector meet the transparency, accountability and management expectations of the public. [Source: iStock]
Lookout is using integrated technology in disability service delivery that can help the sector meet the transparency, accountability and management expectations of the public. [Source: iStock]

SPONSORED STORY – The current Disability Royal Commission hearings have highlighted the need for changes to the way support is provided to people with disability. Disability support provider, Five Good Friends, has developed a new customer focussed software solution to address this issue.

Lookout™, a new home care monitoring system providing safety and security to people with disability, is assisting Five Good Friends support workers by providing up to date information about their clients.

Support workers can take notes of changes in a customer’s health and wellbeing, and alert providers and staff who are then able to respond more quickly and effectively by adjusting care plans and notifying care workers, customers and loved ones.

Five Good Friends believes the development of new technology will not only improve the experiences of people with disability but will also improve transparency and inefficiencies in disability service delivery in Australia.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Five Good Friends, Simon Lockyer, says people with disability want and need to have flexibility and control with the support and care they receive, and NDIS providers should use digital tools to enable this for their clients.

“Lookout is the only monitoring and collaboration software solution built on real experience of delivering support in the Australian market. It allows NDIS participants to take the driver’s seat with their support planning,” explains Mr Lockyer.

“Lookout is live and ready to be rolled out across the disability and community support sector at a time when transformative change is urgently required to better manage, report and provide flexible service management to customers.”

Mr Lockyer adds the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety found that providers needed to regain the trust of older Australians, which is similar to how people with disability are feeling about the disability sector.

As the Disability Royal Commission examines abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability in all settings and contexts, Lookout is using integrated technology in disability service delivery that can help the sector meet the transparency, accountability and management expectations of the public.

Mr Lockyer says the Royal Commission is already resulting in a change in the disability sector, including improvement of care and support to people with disability.

“We started Five Good Friends and Lookout because of the challenges the home care sector was facing,” says Mr Lockyer.

“The Royal Commission has already highlighted gaps in service delivery, a lack of transparency and inefficiencies in processes. In some cases, this has resulted in incredibly poor care, neglect and abuse. 

“At the same time, people with a disability, their loved ones and families are often excluded from knowing what is happening or having control over how support is delivered. Lookout solves these problems.”

While Mr Lockyer says technology on its own isn’t the only solution, he says the company believes technology can make professionals better in their roles and dramatically improve the experience and overall quality of care.

Lookout was designed and developed over four years by Five Good Friends software engineers and has logged nearly 750,000 hours of care and currently monitors over 15,000 care visits in homes every month in Australia. 

Mr Lockyer is looking forward to the Final Report to be handed down by the Disability Royal Commission in October 2023.

To learn more about the Lookout system, head to their website, or contact Five Good Friends for more information about their services.

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