Life changing funding available for people with disabilities

Posted 3 years ago by Liz Alderslade
Disability service provider, Youngcare, has opened up their next funding grant for people with high physical support needs. [Source: Shutterstock]
Disability service provider, Youngcare, has opened up their next funding grant for people with high physical support needs. [Source: Shutterstock]

In a bid to bridge the gaps between an individual participant’s NDIS plan, disability service provider Youngcare currently has their nation-wide At Home Care Grant round open until 18 August. 

Applications are open for people aged 16-65 with high physical support needs who require funding for essential equipment, home modifications or support services not funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

Funding is available up to $10,000 per person to help people with disability under the age of 65 stay out of aged care, in their own homes and communities for as long as possible by bridging the gaps in funding that provide them with quality of life.

Sarah, a 28-year-old woman who lives with Cerebral Palsy is one recipient who has previously benefited from the grants, allowing her to purchase a wheelchair accessible car. 

Sarah’s Grandmother and Primary Carer, Margaret, knows how much being able to access the community and socialise means for the stability of Sarah’s overall health.  

“For Sarah, the car is her life,” Margaret explains. 

“[Without it] she’d be stuck at home with us and wouldn’t go anywhere.

“It’s important for Sarah to be stimulated, and the car is the only way she can get around, the only way she can go out safely.

“Without the Youngcare grant, we wouldn’t be where we are now – Sarah has such a better quality of life and can stay in her own home.”

The At Home Care Grants program supports people with high physical support needs to stay at home, with their families and in their communities.  

Youngcare has a long history of delivering funding for essential items across Australia, with over 1,100 individuals benefiting since its introduction in 2009. 

The grants will remain open until 18th August 2021. 

To discuss potential applications, call the Youngcare Connect team on 1800 844 727.  

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