Ministers align on disability priorities for year ahead

Posted 1 year ago by Andrew Barbara

Disability Ministers from around the country have set priorities and goals for the year ahead during the first meeting of the new Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC) in Canberra last week.

Disability Ministers from around the country have set priorities and goals for the year ahead during the first meeting of the new Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC) in Canberra last week. 

Focus areas they agreed on include access to quality and safe services, accessible communities, ensuring the NDIS and mainstream system work well together and delivering the NDIS Review.

The introduction of DRMC aims to minimise silos in policy development as the Council will work alongside State and Territory Disability Ministers.

Minister for the NDIS, the Hon. Bill Shorten, says that the meeting was of great national importance and showed that governments are working together with people with disability to improve outcomes.

“Since coming into Government we have been steadfast in our efforts to help ensure no person with disability is left behind,”

“It was good to see progress on key items of work that are improving outcomes for people with disability, including reducing hospital discharge delays.”

“Together with State and Territory Ministers, we have mapped out our priorities for the next year, and discussed how we can work together to make real, tangible differences in the lives of people with disabilities around the country.” 

The DRMC is replacing the Disability Reform Minister’s Meeting and will report directly to the National Cabinet, in a bid to show the Australian Government’s commitment to matters affecting people with disabilities.

As a result of this first meeting Ministers agreed to continue to work together on:

  • Improving safe and timely discharge from hospital of NDIS participants noting that since early 2022 hospital discharge delays have reduced from 160 days to 33 days by 31 December 2022.
  • Divert the entry of younger people to residential aged care and continue to facilitate the appropriate exit of those younger people already living in RAC facilities.
  • Work on alignment of regulatory settings with nationally consistent principles on the
  • authorisation of restrictive practices.
  • Progress the development of the Supported Employment Plan to support the transition of the sector and meaningful employment of people with disability.
  • Continue to monitor the COVID-19 response to support and protect people with disability.

Dylan Alcott AO joined the meeting to share his experiences as Australian of the Year and his work in the sector and Ministers endorsed the report from the 2022 Australia’s Disability Strategy Forum, which provided an opportunity for people with disability to discuss and shape the implementation of the Strategy.

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth said the Albanese Labor Government was focused on the many different ways the lives of people living with disability could be improved – from employment to the support frameworks for early childhood development.

“There are 4.4 million Australians living with disability – that’s one in six of us – and it’s important the support we provide as Governments are embedded right across society,” Minister Rishworth said. 

“The Albanese Government is committed to creating a better life for Australians with disability, and the Disability Reform Ministerial Council helps us share this commitment with all States and Territories.”

The next Disability Reform Ministerial Council will be held in March 2023.

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