MS Readathon returns for 41st year

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
The MS Readathon encourages children to read as much as they can between 1st August and 31st August, whilst providing a fundraising opportunity for MS Australia’s Family Camps [Source: Shutterstock]
The MS Readathon encourages children to read as much as they can between 1st August and 31st August, whilst providing a fundraising opportunity for MS Australia’s Family Camps [Source: Shutterstock]

Children will lose themselves in the magic of literature this month during the annual 41st MS Readathon.

Running for just over 40 years, the Readathon encourages children to read as much as they can between 1st August and 31st August, whilst providing a fundraising opportunity for MS Australia’s Family Camps.

Over 25,600 people in Australia live with the condition, which affects the nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves.

Approximately 20,800 children across the country have registered for the reading challenge this year and with two weeks left, the campaign has raised more than double of last year’s figure. 

The MS Readathon Team says, “Children get the opportunity to express their individuality through reading any books they enjoy, they also get the opportunity to customise and personalise their avatars. 

“[They] can also review their books and read the reviews of other children.

“Last year the MS Readathon raised $411,782 [and] this year, with two and half weeks remaining in the campaign, we have already raised over $800,000.”

The money raised goes towards MS Australia’s Family Camps which provide a weekend away for families where a parent is living with MS, which is especially important for the children.

“The camps are so important for children to be able to meet other children in similar situations as them, learn about what it is like to live with MS and to just have fun, do lots of activities and make friends,” the MS Readathon Team says.

“Parents also attend workshops, get massages and have some relaxing time with their children.”

For more information on the MS Readathon and its fundraising status visit their website.

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