NDIA Board member resigns position

Posted 4 years ago by Rebecca St Clair
“John has guided the NDIA under successive governments and ministers and I thank him for his service.” (Source:  Actuaries Institute)
“John has guided the NDIA under successive governments and ministers and I thank him for his service.” (Source: Actuaries Institute)

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) board member Mr John Walsh AM has resigned from his role, effective 31 August 2020.

Mr Walsh has served on the NDIA Board since the establishment of the NDIS in 2013 and was the Principal Member of the Independent Advisory Council from April 2019 to June 2020. 

His resignation was announced by Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Stuart Robert. 

Mr Walsh has personal experience of disability, having lived with quadriplegia following a rugby league accident in his early twenties and is credited with being one of the most passionate advocates of the insurance scheme. 

He was also a significant contributor to its original guiding principles as an Associate Commissioner to the Productivity Commission in its inquiry into long-term care and support for people with disability in 2011.

Minister Robert says that Mr Walsh’s experience and knowledge of areas of social policy and funding across accident compensation, health and disability will be sorely missed.

“John has guided the NDIA under successive governments and ministers and I thank him for his service.

“It is incredibly sad to see John go, however, I look forward to seeing him continue to make an invaluable contribution to the NDIS and the lives of people with disability in his future endeavours.”

NDIA Chief Executive Officer, Martin Hoffman, thanked Mr Walsh on Twitter.
Mr Hoffman added that Mr Walsh was “an inspiration to me in wanting to do this job; and a great teacher over the last 9 months.”

Considerations for a potential successor to the NDIA Board will commence shortly.

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