New advocacy group ‘Inclusive Rainbow Voices’ for LGBT+ living with disability

Posted 1 year ago by David McManus
(Image: Mary Doggett via Shutterstock)
(Image: Mary Doggett via Shutterstock)

April 21 marks the launch of Inclusive Rainbow Voices (IRV), which aims to advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual and gender diverse (LGBT+) people living with disabilities.

April 21 marks the launch of Inclusive Rainbow Voices (IRV), which aims to advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual and gender diverse (LGBT+) people living with disabilities.

The new human rights organisation launched at Melbourne’s Victorian Pride Centre, with the goal of advocating for the inclusion of and equality for marginalised people.

Jax Brown and Ricki Spencer, co-Chair of IRV and founders of the organisation said that they aim to influence policies and practices that impact LGBT+ people living with disabilities.

“We believe that everyone deserves to live a life free from violence and discrimination and be able to access the same opportunities,” said Brown.

Brown has served on the Victorian Disability Advisory Council, Victorian Government’s LGBTI Taskforce Health and Human Services Working Group, and the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s Disability Reference Group.

“We want to ensure that LGBTIQA+ people with disability have the same access to resources, services, and support as everyone else.”

Brown’s work in disability and diversity advocacy has been recognised with a Medal of the Order of Australia.

“People with disability often feel left out or ignored within the LGBTIQA+ community, and within the disability community our LGBTIQA+ identities are often erased,” said Spencer.

Spencer is the appointed Australian Greens First Nations Network (AGFNN) Social Media Manager, elected Convenor for the Disabilities Working Group Victorian Greens and National Greens steering Committee member for Inclusion.

“We want to change that and create a space where everyone is welcome and can express themselves freely.”

The launch was welcomed by the Victorian Minister for Equality and the Victorian Commissioner for LGBT+ Communities.

“The voices and experiences of LGBTIQ+ Victorians with disability should always be represented, support [sic] and amplified — IRV’s work and visibility is a wonderful example of equality in action,” said Minister Harriet Shing.

“Through Inclusive Rainbow Voices, LGBTIQ+ people with disabilities will be heard and their unique experiences and perspectives will be validated and amplified to decision makers,” said Commissioner Dr Todd Fernardo.

“I look forward to supporting their mission of creating a more inclusive, safe and equitable world for all,” he added.

In the near future, the collective will soon recruit a Chief Executive Officer for the IRV and collaborate with both disability and LGBT+ communities, along with their respective organisations.

Check out the IRV committee on the organisation website through the link here.

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