New hub to promote inclusiveness through neuro-diverse workplaces

Posted 6 years ago by Alexandra Stopford
The hub will help foster neuro-diverse workplaces by supporting students with autism and psychosocial conditions [Source: Shutterstock[
The hub will help foster neuro-diverse workplaces by supporting students with autism and psychosocial conditions [Source: Shutterstock[

University students with autism and psychosocial conditions will be supported on their journey to employment through a Western Australian Neurodiversity Hub.

The hub, set to be established in Perth by Curtin University and DXC Technology, will promote employment opportunities for students with autism, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.

The project will be led by Curtin-based Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA) and the Curtin Research Autism Group (CARG), in partnership with DXC Technology.

ASSQA Founder and Director of the School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Curtin, Professor Tele Tan says the Neurodiversity Hub will help foster neuro-diverse workplaces.

“Under this partnership, we will work together to help students gain important work experience and internships with DXC Technology and its partners with the ultimate aim of building a pipeline of young talent for neuro-diverse friendly employers,” Professor Tan says.

Jon Martin, Secretariat for the Australian Autism Alliance says the project will help change the outcomes for people with autism in workforce participation.  

“The Neurodiversity Hub offers a pathway to realise the enormous potential of autistic Australians.”

“It is not just about giving autistic people the skills to be employed, it is also about changing the perceptions of employers in developing an understanding of the benefits of a neuro-diverse workforce,” Mr Martin says.

CARG Director of the School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology at Curtin, Professor Sonya Girdler says “the agreement will offer new opportunities to further develop Curtin’s research in the area of neurodiversity, particularly students with autism and help drive innovation with our parents, clients and collaborators.”

DXC Technology says it is excited to work with like-minded organisations in promoting inclusiveness and employment for students who are neuro-diverse.

The Neurodiversity Hub is expected to be established later this year. 

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