New Victorian public transport digital ticketing system trialled on people with disability

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
The trial is open until Thursday 28 February [Source: Shutterstock]
The trial is open until Thursday 28 February [Source: Shutterstock]

Victoria’s public transport system is expecting to become even more user-friendly with a new digital ‘myki’ card, but not before being trialled by people with disability.

Public Transport Victoria (PTV) is calling on people with disability to take part in a trial on Mobile myki, a new digital ticketing system for Android smartphones.

As part of the trial, participants will travel on the myki network’s trains, trams and buses using Mobile myki and will provide feedback on their travel experience.

Spaces are limited and PTV would like to see users with a range of disabilities participate to ensure Mobile myki meets everyone’s needs.

Chief Executive Officer of Australian Network on Disability (AND) Suzanne Colbert AM says including people with disability in trials such as these ensures better outcomes for everyone.

“It’s likely we’ll all come into close contact with disability in our lives, but disability doesn’t have to be a barrier if organisations design products and services to be accessible and inclusive right from the start.

“By including people with disability during the design phase, organisations have the best chance to ensure their product or service is innovative, dignified and sustainable.

“Plus, they’ll gain valuable insights they can apply to future projects.”

She says businesses are realising that they can use the experiences of people with disability to enhance their products and services, create a sustainable and competitive advantage and ultimately, increase their revenue.

“It’s so important for people with disability to be part of these conversations so that businesses can integrate these perspectives into their business-as-usual processes for design, development and delivery of their products and services.”

The trial is open until Thursday 28 February.

If you are interested, you can express your interest on the PTV website.

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