Online resource expands to support life transitions and events

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
A module for disability professionals on providing support to people with an intellectual disability through transitions and life events was launched on 12th August [Source: Shutterstock]
A module for disability professionals on providing support to people with an intellectual disability through transitions and life events was launched on 12th August [Source: Shutterstock]

An online resource helping health professionals and carers to better understand and support the mental health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability has expanded its information topics.

The Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning resource has continued to develop its online modules since it was first launched on 22 July 2013, with the addition of online information for disability professionals. 

The website aims to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence of health professionals to deliver quality care to people with an intellectual disability. 

Chair of Intellectual Disability Mental Health, Professor Julian Troller, says there are currently 22,287 people using the resource and the new module will help industry professionals support people with intellectual disability through life’s often stressful and overwhelming times.

“Most recently, a module for disability professionals on providing support to people with an intellectual disability through transitions and life events was launched on Monday [12th August],” he says. 

“People with an intellectual disability are at increased likelihood of experiencing mental illness but are less likely to receive treatment than people without an intellectual disability. 

“Our e-Learning resource aims to improve mental health outcomes for people with an intellectual disability by increasing the knowledge of the health and disability workforces. 

“The feedback we have received from our users has been positive, with some providers making our modules a part of their staff training.” 

The Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-Learning resource was developed by a team of professionals with clinical, project and research experience, representing the health, welfare and disability sectors.

It was funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, the NSW Ministry of Health and the Health Education and Training Institute. 

You can access the resource here.

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