Priceline releases makeup tutorial video for people with vision impairment

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
Priceline’s Makeup Director Sarah Laidlaw with Vildana Praljak [Source: Vision Australia]
Priceline’s Makeup Director Sarah Laidlaw with Vildana Praljak [Source: Vision Australia]

One of Australia’s largest pharmacy companies, Priceline Pharmacy has created a makeup tutorial video on its website for people who are blind or have low vision.

The free 30-minute video was created with the help of Vision Australia, demonstrating the different tools available to help make makeup application easier and the advice and guidance in-store beauty advisors can provide.

General Manager of Priceline Pharmacy, Tamalin Morton says working alongside Vision Australia helped them realise people with vision impairment require some extra tools and tricks, which Priceline’s Makeup Director Sarah Laidlaw demonstrates.

“Working with Vision Australia through Carols by Candlelight over the last couple of years has shown there was a need to help women who are blind or have low vision when it comes to makeup application.”

“We wanted to make a difference in their lives by providing this free tutorial to learn new skills from the comfort of their own home. And let them know they can come in store to chat to one of our skilled Beauty Advisors who will provide expert advice, as well as assistance when choosing from our range of over 17,000 health and beauty products.”

Vision Australia client, Vildana Praljak featured in the video alongside fellow client Kate Begley and says the makeup tutorial has helped her reconnect with herself.

“Often the first thing people associate me with is my vision loss, but I’m a woman first and want to embrace and celebrate that in the same way that all women do,” she says. 

“Makeup is such a great tool to help me express who I am, my femininity and my personality, and I feel like I have been too conservative since losing my sight.”

“Learning these new skills has helped me feel confident and courageous.”

Chief Executive Officer of Vision Australia, Ron Hooton says the organisation is thrilled to have worked alongside Priceline Pharmacy to develop the unique video tutorial.

“Very soon, we will be helping to add the finishing touches of Audio Description and Captions, so that these great tips and tricks can be a part of helping our community to live the lives they choose… even more beautifully.”

“Having this bespoke tutorial available for the women in our community will do just that in helping provide confidence and independence,” he says. 

You can watch the video here.

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