Royal Commission into disability expected to pass through parliament next week

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
The calls for a Royal Commission had the support of the Australian Labor Party and cross bench and is expected to be passed when Federal Parliament resumes next week [Source: Shutterstock]
The calls for a Royal Commission had the support of the Australian Labor Party and cross bench and is expected to be passed when Federal Parliament resumes next week [Source: Shutterstock]

Twitter was abuzz yesterday following news the motion for a Royal Commission into the violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability had been passed through the Senate.

The calls, lead by Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John had the support of the Australian Labor Party and cross bench and is expected to be passed when Federal Parliament resumes next week.

Senator Steele-John took to Twitter to share the news and his thoughts.

SUCCESS. Disabled people have been waiting for justice since 2015 & today we’ve secured the support of @AustralianLabor & Xbench that my motion calling for a #RoyalCommission into violence, abuse & neglect NOW will tomorrow pass both houses for the first time #Auspol #Greens.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison held off on a final vote by allowing question time to run for a record breaking two and a half hours and says the one thing holding him back from a Royal Commission into disability is the draft Terms of Reference, which Senator Steele-John then proceeded to write following consultation with the disability sector.

“Scared of losing a vote over their own big stick legislation, what about the lives of disabled people? That’s 4 million Australians you’re denying justice @ScottMorrisonMP #RoyalCommission #Auspol”

A number of disability peak bodies shared messages of support.

“Down Syndrome Australia continues to support a #disability Royal Commission, as a matter of urgency. We urge the Government to listen and act accordingly #RoyalCommissionNow,”

Chief Executive Officer of Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Ross Joyce welcomes the Royal Commission and called out the Prime Minister for his lack of support.

“AFDO and our members welcome the commitment from @AustralianLabor, @Greens, and Xbench to hold a Royal Commission into the #violence, #abuse and neglect experienced by people with #disability, and we call on the Turnbull Government to establish a Royal Commission immediately.”

“The Prime Minister says his government takes #abuse and neglect against ppl w/ #disability seriously, then why are we still calling for a #RoyalCommissionNow into #violence against ppl w/ disability @ScottMorrisonMP.”

Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alastair McEwin is also calling on immediate Government action.

“The prevalence & pervasiveness of violence, abuse & neglect against people with disability is a shocking social issue. A Royal Commission will shine a much needed spotlight on this and have the power to bring about substantial, long-lasting change. We need government action now.”

“Institutional thinking and culture is absolutely just as critical an issue to explore as institutional settings. Any #RoyalCommissionNow must include reference to this! #DisabilityRights”, Geoff Trappett OAM says.

Parliament will resume next week to further discuss the motion.

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