The CareSide is poised to make disability services more affordable

Posted 3 years ago by Emily Erickson
Aged Care provider the CareSide has been approved to begin offering disability services. [Source: iStock]
Aged Care provider the CareSide has been approved to begin offering disability services. [Source: iStock]

SPONSORED STORY – Even before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) faced a variety of challenges that could threaten its long-term viability unless they are solved. 

The 2019 NDS Annual Market Survey, released in early 2020, found that 52 percent of organisations providing services through the NDIS are concerned about their ability to continue long-term due to insufficient funding under the current price scheme. 

In an interview with Pro Bono News, Megan Weir, one of the co-authors of the survey, mentioned the administrative burden and associated cost to providers as one of the key reasons why organisations are struggling. Using the NDIS system requires extensive administrative support, and providers aren’t receiving enough funding right now to fill in the gap. 

The complexity of the NDIS system isn’t just a problem on the provider side. An independent review of participant experiences with NDIS found that participants struggle to navigate the system and to request and access services. 

The confusing NDIS bureaucracy has been criticised in some widely publicised cases, such as the deaf man in Queensland who received funding for coffee outings instead of hearing aids

The Government has announced plans to reform NDIS to meet these concerns, but until reforms are rolled out, providers and participants will have to navigate the complexity of the current system. 

Gareth Mahon, founder of the CareSide, believes his company is uniquely ready to meet this challenge. 

When Mr Mahon launched the CareSide three years ago, his focus was on automating administrative tasks so the company could focus staff time on providing quality care. 

As a result, the CareSide has thrived as an aged care provider, offering in-home care for elderly Australians at an average 50 percent better value and 70 percent lower fees than most providers in the sector. 

Now, the CareSide has been approved to begin offering disability services. After offering over 100,000 hours in aged care over the past three years, the CareSide is ready to leverage its administrative efficiency to make disability support more accessible and affordable. 

Many Australians with disabilities struggle to navigate the NDIS system, and providers in the sector aren’t used to offering so much administrative support. 

But the CareSide has always provided a dedicated case manager to each participant at no additional cost, ensuring that each care recipient has a single point of contact who helps them navigate the system, fill out paperwork, and access the right services. 

“Our proprietary technology is designed to navigate complex bureaucratic regulations,” says Mr Mahon.

“And we are excited to help Australians with disabilities access quality support.”

Mr Mahon’s goal is for the CareSide’s new NDIS services is to provide high quality services at a lower price and to keep fulfilling The CareSide’s mission: giving clients the best possible value for their service. 

To learn more about the CareSide’s new NDIS services, visit their website.

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