Time to STEP up for cerebral palsy

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
You can show your support by donating at steptember.org.au [Source: Supplied]
You can show your support by donating at steptember.org.au [Source: Supplied]

Australians will hit their local parks, trails and sidewalks this month to raise much-needed funds to support their fellow Australians living with cerebral palsy.

Run by Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Steptember is challenging people to take 10,000 steps each day, counted on their special Steptember pedometer.

General Manager of Fundraising at Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Lucy Jacka, says Steptember is in its ninth year but has gained enormous traction, now running in seven countries around the world. 

“The first Steptember in Australia in 2010 had just 550 participants and raised $140,000, which is a great effort for the event’s debut,” Ms Jacka says.

“This year we have over 77,000 people registered and our fundraising target is set at $8.2 million in Australia and $12 million globally.”

Ms Jacka notes cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children, and in Australia, with a child being born with cerebral palsy every 20 hours. 

“Steptember not only increases awareness of cerebral palsy amongst the wider community, [but] it also raises vital funds for services, equipment and research.”

Ms Jacka says there are over 40 different activities that can count towards your steps such as swimming, cycling, manual wheelchair and even yoga.

“We wanted to get the world moving for cerebral palsy by helping people improve their own health while supporting a great cause.”

Funds raised throughout the initiative will support life-changing services and equipment and ground-breaking research into the causes and treatment of cerebral palsy, as well as prevention and work towards a cure.

“The aim is to help people impacted by cerebral palsy to live their lives comfortably and independently,” Ms Jacka explains.

You can show your support by donating at steptember.org.au.

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