Vision Australia helps jobseekers dress to impress

Posted 5 years ago by Nicole Pope
[Left to right] Joelle Rault with Vision Australia client Sabrina at a recent Vision Australia expo in Moorabbin [Source: Supplied]
[Left to right] Joelle Rault with Vision Australia client Sabrina at a recent Vision Australia expo in Moorabbin [Source: Supplied]

People who are blind or have low vision will feel more confident fronting up to a job interview thanks to a new initiative from Vision Australia.

The Be Your Best Dressed program, run by Vision Australia’s Melbourne South East region, is decking eligible clients receiving Employment Services Support, out in a new outfit and providing styling and grooming tips to help them pursue their employment goals, attend interviews and begin a new job. 

The outfits are sourced from Vision Australia Op Shops with clients to receive up to four items of clothing every 12 months. 

Coordinator of Volunteers at Vision Australia Melbourne South East, Kath Struthers, says they’ve received positive feedback on the initiative and says it comes down to the importance of confidence.

“We want to help people feel comfortable and confident going into a new job or an interview process. 

“We know that if we make sure people feel comfortable and confident they’ll have a better chance of expressing that to others and give themselves every chance to succeed.

“They leave feeling more confident from their visit with Joelle (Employment Consultant) and know they have an outfit or additions to their wardrobe to boost self-esteem at a challenging time.

“For our volunteers in the Op Shop, it is another way they can make a positive contribution to the goals of clients to live the life they choose,” Ms Struthers explains.

Once a client has found employment, a follow-up fitting is organised to provide extra work clothing and accessories to ensure they start their new role with a variety of outfits to help them look and feel their best.

To be eligible for Be Your Best Dressed you must:

  • Be a current Vision Australia Melbourne South East Region client

  • Be receiving services from Disability Employment Services at Vision Australia

  • Be actively looking for work

  • Not have received an outfit from the program in 12 months

If you meet the above requirements and believe the Be Your Best Dressed program would benefit you, please make a booking with your Employment Services Consultant at the Melbourne South East Office in Dandenong. 

To find out more, contact Joelle Rault on phone (03) 8791 0215, mobile 0447 178 027 or email [email protected]

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