Volunteering Services Australia join annual celebration of social inclusion

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope
Volunteering Services Australia (VSA) has been appointed to promote the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) across Australia [Source: Shutterstock]
Volunteering Services Australia (VSA) has been appointed to promote the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) across Australia [Source: Shutterstock]

Volunteering Services Australia (VSA) has been appointed to promote the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) across Australia, celebrated on December 3 each year.

The IDPWD is celebrated across the world on the same day, with the United Nations appointing a different theme each year focusing on societal inclusion ‘through the removal of physical, technological and attitudinal barriers for people living with disability’. The theme for this year is yet to be announced by the UN, but will follow last year’s theme of ‘Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all’.

With the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) across the country, this is an exciting time for people living with disability, as well as those in the social services and disability sector. IDPWD creates awareness surrounding social integration so that negative attitudes, inaccessibility and lack of services can be addressed, and achievements and contributions within the disability sector can be celebrated.

Working as part the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, the aim of VSA’s campaign is to raise awareness of IDPWD by encouraging early learning centres, schools, corporates and NDIS providers to hold an IDPWD celebration in their school or workplace. This can be through their social media, by hosting an event, or simply being strong advocates for societal inclusion, ensuring that diversity and acceptance is celebrated, acknowledged and understood by everyone.

CEO of Volunteering Services Australia, Simon Nugus, says his company is proud to be a supporter of IDPWD and the program.

“It is our goal to ensure that individuals living with disability can participate fully within the community and access the opportunities to which they are entitled,” he says.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 15 percent of the world’s population is living with some form of disability, with 2-4 percent of those experiencing significant difficulties with basic functioning.

For more information on IDPWD and how to get involved, visit their website.

For more information on disability support and services, please visit https://www.disabilitysupportguide.com.au/?utm_source=eNewsText

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