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User Stories

Hearing other people’s experiences of living with disability can inspire you to live your life to the fullest and show you what supports and goals are possible.

Stories from people with disability

There is such as wide range of supports out there and no end to the possibilities of how you can shape your lifestyle, so it can be hard to know where to start.

It’s also difficult to know that you are using the supports that suit you best and allow you to reach your full potential.

Reading other people’s experiences of living with disability can inspire you to live your life to the fullest and show you what supports are available.

These personal stories can also give you ideas of the kinds of goals you can strive for and the tools you might use to achieve them.

Each of our printed Disability Support Guides has stories like the ones below included to help you understand how supports work in real life and the difference they can make.

If you would like a copy of the latest Disability Support Guide for your area you can contact your Local Area Coordinator for a free printed copy or click here for an online version.
More information about supports and providers offering these services can also be found in other sections of our website.

Popular User Stories Articles

One family is just beginning to see the potential of the children as they receive support from a range of services to help them learn.

Proving to herself and others that she can live independently allows Jamie-Lee to enjoy the lifestyle she wants to lead and provides her with the space she needs to explore her love of writing.

After an accident left self-confessed adventurer Joanna Fowler with a spinal cord injury, the Brisbane mum-of-two is using her National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to continue exploring.

Caelan has big dreams in the automotive industry. Known by all around him for having an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things cars and racing, the STEPS Pathways College student wants to one day be an automotive journalist.

If you told Natasha Ricks a few years ago that she’d be working in customer service and talking to people on the phone every day, she wouldn’t have believed you.

For children living with autism, receiving the right kind of support gives them the opportunity to learn the skills they need to achieve and succeed in life.

On Monday evenings, you’ll find housemates Dale, Tim, Josh and Paul winding down from work, preparing dinner, and getting ready for the latest episode of Masterchef.

Getting the right support and making small changes to everyday living can mean the difference between an isolated life full of struggles and the road to independence.

Whether it’s out in the community, with friends at his local Community Hub, or at home with his house mate, Jordin’s independence has flourished in 2020.

Eli is 16 years old and lives with no working memory, meaning he has trouble holding on to information. He has flooded the bathroom and nearly burned down the family kitchen. And now he is well on the way to achieving some big dreams.

Nick Palmer is living life on his terms. On his living room wall is a photo of him sitting on a Harley with a black helmet and boots. It’s surrounded by photos of his family, friends and adventures from Perth to Tamworth. His yoga mat is on the floor and his bowling gear is in the cupboard.

Proving that a disability doesn’t have to hold you back in chasing the sporting dream, 28 year old Natalie is waiting to find out if she will be selected for the 2021 Tokyo Paralympic Games.