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Down syndrome

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Down syndrome explained

Down syndrome affects more than 13,000 Australians and is the most common cause of intellectual disability.

Many people living with Down syndrome lead happy and normal lives within their communities. Some people with Down syndrome may require high support due to complex health issues or a greater level of intellectual disability. Learn more about Down syndrome and the different supports available below.

Popular Down Syndrome Articles

Down syndrome is the most common chromosome disorder and cause of intellectual disability. However, it’s important to know that every person with Down syndrome is unique.

Whether you are a person living with Down syndrome, a carer, family member or friend, plenty of resources and support groups are available to help you with practical and emotional support.

Three years ago, an 18 year old woman from Brisbane, Australia made history as the first woman with Down syndrome to walk in this highly coveted fashion event.

If you or your child has been diagnosed with Down syndrome you should be able to receive government-funded assistance and support services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS.